
Embroidered bands
c.12th-13th Centuries.


This a scanned photograph of a 13th Century embroidered band worked in gold. The original is on display in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
This a scanned photograph of a 12th-13th Century embroidered band worked in gold and silk. The original is on display in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

Costume for a 12th Century Lady
This article concerns a 12th century whalebone carving that depicts details of costume and decoration in great detail. Among its details are several decorative bands.

This article is also available for download as either a Abode Acrobat file (magi.pdf, 175K), or a Word DOC file (magi.doc, 144K)


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Created 08 March 1996, Last update 14 October 2000
Timothy J. Mitchell (