Long-Armed Cross Stitch
XST1B.GIF This the first of 3 patterns from a band worked in long-armed cross stitch. The original is on display in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. |
XST1C.GIF This the second of 3 patterns from a band worked in long-armed cross stitch. The original is on display in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. |
XST1D.GIF This the third of 3 patterns from a band worked in long-armed cross stitch. The original is on display in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. |
XST1E.GIF This file contains notes on the construction of the embroidered band detailed in the above files. |
Created 01 March 1996, Last update 14 October 2000 Timothy J. Mitchell (wymarc@hotmail.com). |