Description: Bag (silk embroidery on wool evenweave canvas) with woven lanyard (silk) and 2 Turkish knots with silk tassels
Origin: Europe
Period: 14th-15th century
Current location: Collegiate Church of Soignies, Belgium
Museum number: D 2.8

Current Museum page:

Original Text:
"bourse (broderie de soie sur canevas unifil en laine) à lanière tressée (soie) et 2 noeuds turcs avec houppe en soie conserve, à l'extérieur, l'enveloppe à relique (os) en soie bleu-gris, fixée à une authentique du XIIIe s. (4,2 x 1,3 cm)
"undeci(m) miliu(m) v(irginu(m)", qu'elle contenait trouvée dans la toile IRPA n° 10152661, qui renfermait une partie des reliques dites de Constantinople, don de la Famille Baudouin de Constantinople
colorant: indigo ou pastel
bibliographie: Reliques et châsses de la collégiale de Soignies, Soignies, 2001, nr. cat. Cat. IV. T.41 ; P. Bertrand,
Edition des authentiques de la collégiale de Soignies, nr. cat. Cat.IV.A.27"

Google Translate:
"exchange (silk embroidery on wool monofil canvas) with woven lanyard (silk) and 2 Turkish knots with silk tassel canned outside the envelope relic (bone) in blue-gray silk, attached to a genuine thirteenth century. (4.2 x 1.3 cm) "undeci (m) miliu (m) v (irginu (m)", it contained found in the canvas IRPA No. 10152661, which contained some of the relics called Constantinople, Baudouin Family gift of Constantinople color: indigo or pastel
Bibliography: Relics and reliquaries of the collegiate church of Soignies, Soignies, 2001, nr. cat. Cat. IV. T.41; P. Bertrand, authentic edition of the Collegiate of Soignies, nr. cat. Cat.IV.A.27"

Personal Observations:

Fabric count: ~36 threads per inch (computed from photograph and given dimensions)

Colors noted:
Dark red-brown silk
Light gold/tan silk
Dark tan silk

Images: (See All Photos)
